Bathing and sauna regulations

Bathing and sauna

Therme Bad Wörishofen

Bathing and sauna regulations

Sports Bath, Spa Paradise and Vitality Bath & Saunas

1. Binding nature and purpose

The bathing and sauna regulations are binding for all guests of THERME Bad Wörishofen. The statutory regulations apply for inclusion in the contract concluded at the cashier.

THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH aims to provide every guest with the highest level of relaxation, comfort and enjoyment. These bathing and sauna regulations are also intended to ensure safety, order, and cleanliness.

By receiving the transponder (→ data carrier for the services used in THERME Bad Wörishofen) and the locker key, the visitor accepts the bathing and sauna regulations. The receipt issued upon acquiring the access authorization must be kept until leaving the bath. Every user must have a valid access authorization for the respective usage area. Once entering the usage area, it is not permissible to transfer the entrance ticket or access authorization.

2. Opening, admission and entry

Admission to THERME is from the age of 16 (except on Family Saturdays from 9 am to 7 pm). There are no age restrictions in the Sports Bath. Opening hours are publicly announced. Bathing times depend on the purchased tariffs; exceeding the time limit incurs additional charges. The closing times refer tot he time of leaving the premises. The bathing and sauna time ends 20 minutes before closing time, i.e. you must leave the bathing, spa and sauna area at this time.

For safety reasons, the facility is partially under video surveillance. The recordings can only be viewed by the management and the police in case of suspicion. This measure is intended to protect the property of the guests and that of THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH. The provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act, particularly § 4, are adhered to. Stored data will be promptly deleted when no longer needed or if the legitimate interests of the affected parties oppose further storage.

The management can restrict the use and services of THERME Bad Wörishofen, including the Sports Bath, Spa Paradise, Vitality Bath & Saunas, in whole or in part at any time (e.g., operational disruptions, renovations, maintenance). Claims against the operator for this reason are excluded.

If parts of the facility cannot be used due to filming and/or photo shoots, events, courses, etc., there is no entitlement to a refund or reduction of the entrance fee.

Individuals who are helpless due to a severe physical or mental disability or who require supervision may only enter THERME Bad Wörishofen with an appropriate, adult companion. This also applies to individuals prone to seizures, fainting or epilepsy, as well as those with cardiovascular diseases.

Non-swimmers and children under the age of 16 are only allowed entry when accompanied by a legal guardian or an appropriate adult companion.

Persons with infectious or reportable contagious diseases are not allowed entry to THERME Bad Wörishofen (in case of doubt, a medical certificate may be required). This restriction also applies to individuals with open wounds and those who are intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating substances.

Animals are not permitted.

Purchased admissions, value vouchers, ThermenCARDs and time credits are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged. Lost or unused vouchers will not be replaced or refunded. Double discounting of any kind is fundamentally excluded. Change should be checked immediately; later complaints will not be recognized.

When purchasing a ThermenCARD (cash value card), a deposit fee of €10 is charged, which is refunded upon return of the card. In case of loss, ThermenCARDs will be replaced upon presentation of official identification, minus the €10 deposit.

If a ThermenCARD is cancelled, a processing fee will be charged as follows: €5 for a balance over €20, €10 for a balance over €50, and €15 for a balance over €150. The remaining balance (minus the already granted discount) and the card deposit will be refunded.

3. Bathing and staying

Upon purchasing an entry ticket, each guest receives a transponder/locker key. This is non-transferable and assigned to the individual. Purchasing an entry ticket does not entitle the guest to participate in the complimentary additional program or guarantee a seat or lounger. Reserving seats and loungers with towels, bags or other items is not allowed. Items left for this purpose may be removed by the spa staff.

Bathing and sauna guests must behave in a manner that safety, order, cleanliness and decency within THERME Bad Wörishofen are not compromised.

Willful contamination will be charged a cleaning fee of €30. If a guest finds their cabin, locker, etc., dirty, they must report this immediately to the staff.

Changing rooms are generally to be used individually.

Each guest is required to thoroughly clean themselves before entering the thermal and bathing areas, as well as the sauna facilities. Entry is only permitted with appropriate swimwear.

Soap, other body cleansing products and creams may not be used outside the shower areas.

Entry is only permitted with appropriate swimwear. Standard full-body swimsuits made of suitable bathing fabrics that may cover the legs and arms, as well as suitable burkinis, are generally allowed. However, in individual cases, the bathing management or swimming supervision may prohibit the use of such swimsuits, especially in the flow channel, if there is a risk due to the amount of fabric and the body constitution of the guest wearing the swimsuit.

Technical installations (e.g., ventilation shafts on window facades) must not be covered with bags, towels, or other items.

Out of consideration for the need for peace and quiet for all guests, special attention to silence must be observed in the saunas, steam baths and health pools.

Each guest must be aware of the increased risk of accidents due to wet, slippery floor surfaces in the baths. Therefore, extra caution is required in all guest areas, and non-slip bath shoes should be worn outside the pools.

The consumption of alcohol is limited to a reasonable amount. THERME Bad Wörishofen reserves the right to restrict the serving of alcoholic beverages per guest and to prohibit further alcohol consumption by intoxicated guests. Such guests may be removed from the premises if they pose a danger or disturb the operation of the bath.

Displays of affection should be minimized at THERME Bad Wörishofen; such behavior is not permitted in the bathing areas (sauna cabins, steam baths, whirlpools, thermal pools, etc.).

Each guest must conduct themselves in a manner that does not disturb or inconvenience other guests.

4. Using the saunas

Access to the Vitality Bath & Saunas is only permitted for individuals aged 16 and older (exception: Family Saturday from 9 AM to 7 PM).

The Vitality Bath & Saunas are a textile-free zone. However, this area is not intended for nudism. After finishing a sauna session, including the required cooling-down phase, a bathrobe or towel must be worn. This rule also applies to the restaurant areas.

Guests must thoroughly clean and dry themselves before using the sauna facilities.

In the sweating rooms, guests are required to use a sufficiently large towel for lying and sitting to prevent any contamination of the benches.

5. Special regulations

The following activities are prohibited:

  • Smoking in all indoor areas (Galeria, Sports Bath, Spa Paradise, Vitality Bath & Saunas) as well as on the beaches and lawn areas. Exceptions are designated smoking areas in the outdoor section of the Spa Paradise (smoking house & designated area around the smoking house), the smoking bridge at the sauna beach, the designated area in the Sports Bath and the designated areas of the gastronomic partners in the sauna area.
  • Entering the changing rooms, shower areas, bath and thermal landscape or sauna area with street shoes.
  • Bringing food and beverages as well as items that may break under impact (e.g., glass, porcelain).
  • Contaminating the bathing zones and swimming pools.
  • Spitting on the floor or into the bathwater.
  • Entering or leaving the pools except via stairs and entry ladders. This is especially important for avoiding injury when accessing the pool edges.
  • Jumping into the water from the pool edges or the canopy over the grotto.
  • Climbing on the entry ladders or other handrails.
  • Wearing swim shoes or fins in the water.
  • Using mobile phones, laptops or devices with camera functions.
  • Bringing and using radios, televisions, musical instruments, or signaling devices.
  • Taking photographs or filming.
  • Distributing any kind of advertising material; this also applies to the parking areas.
  • Conducting any form of fundraising.

Political actions, events, demonstrations, distribution of printed materials, posting of posters or notices, collection of petition lists and using the facility for commercial or other non-bathing purposes are prohibited, except with prior authorization from the management.

Food and beverages from the restaurants may only be consumed in the designated restaurant areas, on the terraces and in the outdoor area. The use of e-cigarettes is only permitted in the designated smoking areas.

6. Liability

All bathing, thermal and sauna facilities must be treated with care by guests.

Each guest is liable for any damage caused by misuse, negligent contamination or damage to the THERME Bad Wörishofen or third parties.

Parents or guardians are responsible for any damage caused by their children.

It is advisable to store valuables in the secure lockers located in the entrance and changing areas. Liability for damage or loss of items brought into THERME Bad Wörishofen by guests – regardless of where they were stored – is only accepted in cases of intent and gross negligence by THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH and its employees.

Lost items found in the facility should be handed in at the reception.

All left-behind items will be collected and stored after the end of the bathing operations. Unclaimed items will be handed over to the lost and found office after the storage period.

No liability is accepted for supplementary services such as masks, peels, infusions, etc., and any skin irritations that may result from them. This disclaimer of liability also applies to any resulting stains on textiles.

The operator assumes no liability for any discoloration, bleaching or damage to swimwear or jewelry/watches/glasses, as these issues may arise due to the water composition (e.g., sulfur). The operator also disclaims responsibility for damage to swimwear that may occur due to sliding.

The use of all facilities at THERME Bad Wörishofen, including attractions, the current channel, water slides and play areas, is at the guest’s own risk.

THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH is not liable for force majeure, accidents or defects that cannot be immediately detected even with due diligence (e.g., power outages).

THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH and its employees are only liable for personal injuries in cases of intent or negligence and for property or financial damage only in cases of intent or gross negligence. This also applies to vehicles parked on the premises.

Each visitor is responsible for their key or transponder wristband. Both items must be worn on the body throughout the stay. If these requirements are not met, a loss will be considered the guest’s fault. In case of a dispute, the guest must prove proper adherence to the aforementioned storage requirements. A fee of €38 will be charged for a lost key, and €10 for a lost transponder wristband. If the key or transponder wristband is found again, the fee will be refunded. Guests are permitted to prove that THERME Bad Wörishofen has incurred no damage or significantly lower damage. THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH is allowed to prove that higher damage has occurred.

7. Online dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH is neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

8. Miscellaneous

The spa staff exercises house rules for all bathers, thermal spa and sauna guests.

All posted notices and staff instructions must be observed and followed without exception.

Staff is authorized to exclude guests who endanger safety and order, harass other guests or violate the terms of this thermal spa and sauna regulation from further use. In such cases, the entrance fee will not be refunded or claimed. The bath user expressly retains the right to prove that the bath operator is entitled to no or significantly lower compensation than the full entrance fee. Failure to comply with these instructions constitutes a criminal offense of trespassing.

Anyone committing a criminal act, unlawfully gaining access to the premises and operational facility, intentionally avoiding payment or attempting to do so or using paid services without payment, will be immediately expelled from the bath and may face criminal charges.

The bath, thermal spa, and sauna regulations apply to general thermal spa and sauna operations. Exceptions may be made for special events without the need for a specific suspension of the bath, thermal spa and sauna regulations.

Complaints, requests, and suggestions can be addressed to any staff member of THERME Bad Wörishofen GmbH.

These house and bath regulations come into effect on January 1, 2022. The previously valid version is simultaneously repealed.

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